A year ago when I wrote this email, this was just supposed to be a blog. In spite of the name, we did not actually intend for this to be a book club, not in the literal or traditional sense anyway. This was meant to be a way for me and Hannah to document our chaotic, weird reading schedules. If anything, I would say this is was intended to be an open ended book club where you could get reviews and recs without having to actually be involved in anything you don’t want to be.
I feel like Weirdo Book Club is has held true to this even though you can now join our book club and participate as much as you are comfortable with!
If you're here looking for weird book recommendations, welcome! If you'd like to join in on the conversations, you can do that too! If you'd like to read along with us and attend virtual meetings to discuss our monthly reads, that’s doable! If you'd like to recommend something to us to read/review, you can do that too. But you do not have to do any of that in order to be considered a part of Weirdo Book Club.
You are not required to do anything to enjoy this blog, this space; most posts and podcast episodes will be free and our Instagram and Tiktok will always be free. We started this whole thing in order to keep up with the crazy amount of reading we were doing at the beginning of 2022. The goal here is to document the books we read and review them honestly, and by doing so, we hope to have fun and maybe make some connections along the way.
No more, no less.
Thank you for reading this intro post and for stopping by. We will follow up with more in depth posts about who we are, the kinda books we like, etc. in the near future. In the meantime, say hey below! It's nice to meet you and I can't wait to tell you all about what we're reading!