Our Book Club is Moving to Discord
The recent generative AI issues that surfaced within the Fable app have led us to move our book club exclusively to Discord. Join us there!
TL;DR - the racist, sexist, generative AI Fable thing happened and as a result we’ve decided to part ways with Fable and host our book club exclusively on Discord.
A couple of weeks ago, I was first made aware of some screenshots being shared featuring some racist, sexist, ableist and harmful things that popped up in some users’ reader summaries and shelfie features. I discussed it with other members of the bookish community, I saw Fable’s statements and attended their town hall meeting in hopes of figuring out where I stood on everything and where I wanted to go from here.
Once I sat with everything and rolled it around a bit, I realized that I still felt pretty gross about the use of generative AI. As an artist and host of an online community, AI is never something I approach lightly anyway and the potential for generative AI to cause unnecessary harm is just not something I’m ok with, nor is it something that meshes well with the kind of community I am trying to build here with you. So we are moving our book club exclusively to Discord for the foreseeable future.
I set up an entirely new Discord server specifically with hosting a book club in mind so that we can create a similar club experience with more flexibility, better organization and a community driven environment with absolutely no generative AI usage.
We get it if you won’t make this move with us. Discord isn’t for everybody and change can be annoying. However if you would like to follow us to Discord, please click here to join our brand new server!
I have set the server up to be as user friendly and organized as possible. You will be able to keep up with the books we’re reading, connect with other readers, discuss the books as you go along, ask questions, vote on polls, engage as much as you’re comfortable with and stay updated on events like discussion times/dates, all in one place.
We’d love to have you with us on Discord. It’s my main goal to make sure our book club is safe, accessible and fun to all of our users so I think this is the best place for us right now. I appreciate you taking time to read this. See you on Discord, hopefully!
i'm thrilled to be part of this community; i'm so happy that it's in a place that i can, comfortably and easily, be a part of. It's such a gorgeous, beautiful community and i love it so much. Thanks Nat for fostering it for us! ♡♡♡