December Book Club Details
This month we are reading 2 books and having 2 meetings for them. It sounds complicated so let me try and help break it down!
I know things can get confusing when we step outside our regularly scheduled programming, but we wanted to end the year with a bang (literally re: one of the books so we chose 2 books to read in December. As always… read one, read both, read neither - it’s up to you and what you are able to do, which book appeals to you, etc.
Since we picked 2 books, we will also be having 2 meetings on 2 different days. We wanted to offer options for people since December is a rather chaotic time of the year.
The same rules apply for the meetings: come to one, come to neither, come to both and keep your camera/mic off the whole time. It is all up to you and what you have time/energy for! We are just here to read with you and have fun!
We chose 2 books to read in December:
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle (available on KU)
Mean One by AB Cynthe (available on KU)
We are hosting 2 meetings in December, 1 for each book:
Camp Damascus meeting is 12/22 at 7 PM Central Time (click here to join)
Mean One meeting is 12/29 at 7 PM Central Time (click here to join)
You do not have to read both books.
You do not have to come to the meetings.
It’s all up to you!
So with our book being hosted in the Fable app, one of the cool perks of that is chapter by chapter discussion threads under the book! However, we can’t select more than one book at a time so a change will need to take place.
For the first chunk of the month, we have it set to Camp Damascus, for the second half we will be switching over to Mean One.
Do not panic if we swtich it and you didn’t finish Camp Damascus yet! You can still access the discussion threads for Camp Damascus even after we have changed it. You can click the history button on our club’s homepage and access all our previous reads and their discussions! (see below)
Hannah and I tested this out before deciding to choose 2 books because if it was going to make it to where the Camp Damascus thread was locked once we switched it, we weren’t going to do it but fear not my weirdos, you can still chat as you read so there is no need to rush!
We value Weirdo Book Club being casual, accessible and on your terms so read at your own pace, come to the meetings if you feel up to it, participate as much as you like and let me know if you have any questions. Happy reading!
Thank you! I'll try to make the dec 22nd meeting I might be at work thou so I'll be muted but looking forward to the discussion